The Complete Guide on how to Wash a Yoga Mat in the Washing Machine

How To Wash A Yoga Mat In The Washing Machine

“We don’t sweat, we glisten.” As much as we love to glorify blood, sweat, and tears we shed on those dear mats of ours, the truth is that your yoga mat is a magnet for germs and bacteria.  The physical practice of yoga focuses on purifying your body by activating the muscles by folding, twisting, […]

Tips on How to Clean your Jade Yoga Mat – Your Guide to a nice and clean mat

How to Clean your Jade Yoga Mat (1)

Yoga has been around for hundreds of years, offering numerous benefits to our overall health. The major factor that makes practicing yoga super accessible is the fact that it doesn’t demand much—other than a yoga mat. This probably explains why more people are getting hooked on this hassle-free form of exercise. Yoga does not require […]