A Comprehensive Guide On The Difference Between Yoga and Asana

Difference Between Yoga and Asana

Are you confused about whether yoga and asana are the same? Well, you’re not alone. Many people often interchangeably use these terms without knowing the difference between yoga and asana. In this blog post, we’ll explore the dissimilarities between yoga and asana, giving you clarity on their unique roles in achieving holistic health. So sit […]

What does a Yoga body look like: Debunking the Myth of a “Yoga Body”

What Does a Yoga Body Look Like

Yoga has become enormously popular in recent decades, with millions worldwide incorporating it into their routines. Unfortunately, popular culture often promotes the ideal of a “yoga body,” confusing what exactly this entails. Our goal with this article is to define what a yoga body looks like and offer advice on how to achieve this ideal. […]

Does Yoga make you sweat? Is it good or bad for our well-being?

Does Yoga Make You Sweat

You’ve seen it everywhere – in parks, studios, and even online classes. What is this craze all about? Yoga! But have you ever wondered, “Does yoga make you sweat, and if so, is it beneficial or detrimental to our well-being?”  In this article, we’ll dive into the connection between yoga and sweating, exploring whether this […]

Don’t try these 5 Yoga Poses when you are pregnant – Warning ahead!

Yoga poses to avoid during pregnancy

Congratulations, soon-to-be mama! Pregnancy is a beautiful experience for women who are about to step into the world of motherhood. Having said that, you will start to notice that your body is changing every week when you are growing a child. Your organs start to make room by shifting and squeezing together for your expanding […]

Flying Pigeon Pose – The Best Stretch for your Hips and Lower Back

Flying Pigeon Pose

Have you ever witnessed inversion poses in yoga classes or ads for fitness? I always found it amusing and very interesting to try by myself. However, it is not simple! You need to break many physical and mental barriers to achieve that. The flying pigeon pose is yet another counterbalance pose that works against gravity, […]

8 Poses and sequences in yoga for tight shoulders and upper back

Yoga For Tight Shoulders

Do you have a nagging twitch in your shoulder? Do you have problems moving your arms? A tense shoulder might be to blame, and yoga can help bring relief. Stiff shoulders can cause more than simply pain. These could restrict the range of motion, cause tension headaches, and even cause injury if untreated. Shoulder strain is […]

How long to get good at Yoga Practice Like a Pro?

How Long to Get Good at Yoga

When you look at the skilled Yogis and Yoginis doing challenging poses swiftly without letting out a sigh, do you find yourself asking this question: “How long to get good at Yoga like them? Truth be told, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer.  However, in this article, we’ll discuss the time commitment, the factors influencing one’s progress […]

How Much Do Yoga Studio Owners Make Per Month/Year: A Comprehensive Guide!

How Much Do Yoga Studio Owners Make

Are you curious to know how much do yoga studio owners make in a month/year? Look no further! In this all-inclusive guide, we will explore the incomes of yoga studio owners and provide valuable insights into the industry. From monthly to yearly earnings, we will give you the inside scoop on what impacts the salaries […]

The scientific Guide to Yoga Backbend Poses – Great studies and the best poses

Medical parts written by Dr. Mishra Are you sitting at your desk for prolonged working hours daily? Do you wake up to body or muscle stiffness every morning? If yes, then Yoga Backbend Poses could be an excellent relief for your lifestyle. I found these muscle stretching and relaxing exercises helpful in gaining and maintaining […]