What is a kriya in Yoga and what makes it effective in cleansing souls?

What is a kriya in Yoga

Unleash Your Inner Spiritual Power With Kriya Yoga. Here, we won’t just talk about abstract ideas but will help those dedicated to getting closer to God by exploring the minute details of what a kriya in Yoga is. Let’s dive in and uncover the details below to experience divine connection. What is a kriya in Yoga? […]

Why is breathing important in Yoga to achieve the power of pranayama?

Why Is Breathing Important in Yoga

Have you ever found yourself in a Yoga class with your instructor reminding you to pay close attention to your breathing? It might have made you wonder why is breathing important in Yoga? Today, we’ll uncover what breathing in Yoga is and why it’s essential. So, ready to learn how to inhale and exhale correctly? […]