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We created this page to give you an experience of the ancient and authentic art of Yoga. Nowadays everyone is talking about the benefits it brings, often making baseless claims. Therefore we are presenting you all Yoga can offer through the eyes of science.
Welcome my dear Yoginis and Yogis. My name is Sumeet Lal (Like LOL just with an a) and I am a mathematician. Coming from India, it is impossible to miss out on Yoga. As a kid I saw my father often meditating and doing Yoga, but I never really paid attention to it.
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Especially in the west, Yoga is just seen as an exercise and the life changing Kriyas (breathing techniques) are fairly unknown. If you just want to see it as a workout you are free to do it. But I can tell you from my experience with, nasty depressive phases and anxiety attacks, that performing daily Yoga and Kriya helped me to get over my mental issues. I would like to go so far that it helped me to gain greater emotional stability.
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After experiencing the power of Yoga, my curiosity was sparked and I wanted to know more about it. Hence I started to go down the rabbit hole, which was called India. Everyone knows that Yoga originated, flourished and survived for centuries in India. After quitting my job I traveled through it, in the pursuit of ancient Yogic knowledge. On my adventure I met people who lived the life of a yogi, as it was done centuries ago. There I learned something very important.
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Twisting, stretching and bending your body is an important part, but not all of it. There are certain breathing exercises and food habits, which can be followed. I also learned about Ayurveda, the sister science to Yoga. Performed together it led many humans to lasting health and happiness. My team and I felt that we wanted to spread this message with the world.
Therefore we want to share with you the scientifically proven benefits of Yoga. Since I don’t qualify as a Doctor, I can’t and won’t write about the health benefits it brings. Understanding and explaining about them will be done by Doctors and Psychologists.
All of our content has been written and reviewed by a qualified Doctor.
I strongly hope that you will like our content. We will try our best by writing articles that you won’t find anywhere and try to keep it as simple as possible.
Sumeet Lal
Founder of Yogic-Experience