Tension in your Jaw, let’s understand it Spiritually and Ease your Pain

Tension In Your Jaw The Spiritual Meaning

The slightest discomfort in your jaw can hamper your day-to-day life, interfering with basic movements such as talking, yawning, and even eating. In most cases, we tend to neglect it with the expectation that it will magically disappear someday. Such wishful thinking can often mislead you, making you suffer longer than necessary.  The sooner you […]

No need to suffer, instead do Yoga for back pain!

Medically reviewed by Dr. Mishra Do you have an achy back? Don’t panic! Experts say that 80% of the population will experience back pain at some point in life. Most of the time, back pain isn’t a severe health condition but can be corrected with fundamental changes and practices in life. Back pain is universal […]