From the Best Comfort of Your Home: How to do Yoga on Carpet?

How to Do Yoga on Carpet

Ever wonder how to do yoga on carpet? There are so many benefits to practicing yoga that it’s no surprise that people are looking for ways to do it in more comfortable places, like their own homes. It’s easier than ever to squeeze in a relaxing yoga session even on the busiest days. So is […]

Advanced Hip Opening Yoga Poses – Try these Asanas

Advanced Hip Opening Yoga Poses

Hips are one of the important and complex parts of the body. They help to define posture and balance of the body. Tight hips cause the lower back to tighten too. This is because the psoas is tight. Psoas is the long muscle between the lumbar spine and the femur through the pelvis. The tension in […]

Why Can I Not Sit Back On My Heels? A Helpful Guide To Your Rescue

Why Can I Not Sit Back on My Heels

Have you ever wondered why sitting back on your heels can be such a challenge for some while others seem to do it with relative ease? This seemingly simple posture leaves many perplexed, asking themselves, “Why can I not sit back on my heels?” The answer lies in the delicate interplay between the body’s flexibility, […]

Why Should you stretch before Yoga? The Best Guide On Pre-Yoga Stretching

Should You Stretch Before Yoga

Today, Yoga has gained widespread popularity due to its numerous health benefits. Preparatory stretches before any Yoga session play a vital role in ensuring proper alignment, injury prevention, and an overall enjoyable experience. Similar to warming up before any athletic activity, introducing pre-Yoga stretches into your routine can significantly impact your practice. This article will […]