Spring Yoga For Kids

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Unique Spring Yoga for Kids – Healthy entertainment for your children

Since spring is a time of regeneration, it’s a great time to start teaching children’s yoga courses, practice yoga postures with young students, and introduce mindfulness lessons in your preschool settings. If you currently teach kids’ yoga, you may already be aware of the many amazing spring-themed poses and activities that you can perform with them, including several unique and entertaining Pretzel Kids poses. However, we wanted to use this chance to show you a unique set of spring yoga poses for kids that we found to be fun!

Spring Yoga Poses for Kids

It’s simple to locate and modify a ton of kids’ yoga ideas for the spring season because there are so many kids’ yoga poses based on nature and animals. Additionally, when spring does arrive, all you want to do is go outside and breathe in the beautiful, clean air of blossoming flowers and new grass. It’s important to remember to breathe deeply and to be attentive to your surroundings.

Out of all these springtime suggestions, you might even create a variety of distinct yoga class sub themes such as

  1. Spring is here!
  2. Weather Changes
  3. Easter
  4. Baby Animals
  5. Gardening

Let us take you through some fun and interesting spring yoga for kids’ poses.

Transitional Poses

  • Start in the cobra yoga stance. As you raise your arms in the cobra yoga posture, imagine that you are a hungry caterpillar raising your head to eat on a leaf.
  • Set up a plank position. The caterpillar is about to turn into a cocoon while perched on a limb.
  • Become a safe little cocoon by bending down into the child’s position. Stay still. Take a deep breath and get ready for a thrilling change to occur!
  • Become butterflies at last! Put your wings up in the butterfly position. With the kids, discuss the color of the butterfly’s wings and the places they might fly. What is the range of their wing-flapping speed?
  • Start by assuming a child’s stance to symbolize the little egg.
  • Like you “swim” as the tadpole, slowly indent onto your tummy and move your arms and legs up and down.
  • Next, assume the frog position (malasana), placing your feet flat on the ground and bending your knees deeply. Try performing frog jumps on your mat to test out your new frog legs.
  • Start in a child’s position and act like a little seed in the earth.
  • Imagine a little stem starting to emerge from the ground and raise one arm.
  • Cross your legs in the lotus (flower) stance, sitting up tall and straight. Strike a flower-like pose with your arms as you face the sun. Can you move with the wind?

Spring-Themed Yoga Poses

  • Bunny pose: Sit on your feet while kneeling on your mat. Lifting your bottom slightly while lowering the top of your head to the floor requires reaching your arms straight back behind you. Your arms should be raised in the manner of a rabbit.
  • Chick pose: On your toes, bend your knees so that they are touching. Put your hands up near your armpits so they resemble little chick wings and wag them back and forth.
  • Egg pose: Wrap your arms over your legs as you recline on your back and raise your knees to your chest. Like an egg getting ready to hatch, rock back and forth, or side to side!
  • Blooming tree pose (or simply known as tree pose): Put your hands at your heart and hold yourself tall. To maintain balance, place one foot on the other leg, gently raise your arms, and spread your hands out like flowers.
  • Falling Rain pose: Place your feet hip-width apart when standing. Arc over and downward toward the earth while raising your arms in the air. Shake your body slightly from side to side while making a rain-like “shhhhhh” sound.
  • Raindrop: Put your feet together and squat low to make yourself appear smaller and rounder. Make a raindrop form with your hands by raising them over your head.
  • Lightning Bolt: Knees and feet should be pressed together as you stand. Set your knees slightly bent and raise your arms above your head as if you were sitting back in a chair. Make noises of a lightning bolt while wiggling your fingers!
  • Flower pose: Your feet should be together, and your knees should be broad. As you raise your feet to maintain balance on your seat, lean back slightly. Wrap your arms over your knees and beneath them. With your hands, create lotus symbols!
  • Rainbow pose: Kneel in the rainbow position with your right leg straight out in front of you and your toes pointed forward. To create a rainbow form with your body, extend your right arm up and over, away from your straight leg. This is also ideal as a hand-connecting, mirrored partner posture.
  • Bee pose: Sit on your heels and flail your hands like bee wings while bending your arms. When you breathe in through your nose and out while saying “zzzzzzzz,” your breath will make a buzzing sound.
  • Caterpillar pose: Start in a high plank position and bring your knees to the floor to perform the caterpillar pose. After that, lay your chest and chin on the ground while bending your arms and arching your back. Alternately, lie on your stomach with your arms next to your hips. Like a worm in the rain, wiggle from side to side.
  • Butterfly pose: Sit on your bottom and straighten your spine to perform the butterfly stance. Set your feet firmly together and let your knees separate. Flutter your legs like wings while holding onto your feet or ankles.
  • Bird pose: Put one foot forward and spread your arms out like wings. Like a bird soaring through the air, extend your rear leg straight out behind you.
  • Frog pose: With your knees apart and your toes pointed out, squat down on your feet. Position your hands firmly on the ground or the mat in front of you. When you hear the number three, jump like a frog!
  • Seed pose: Sit on your feet while kneeling on the mat. Wrap your arms over your back and toward your feet as you squat down on your knees. Put your forehead down and reduce your size to that of a seed.
  • Turtle pose: Knees bowed and feet flat, sit down on the floor. Spread your feet apart and round yourself with your arms so that they pass through your legs, across your knees, and up onto your shins. Put your chin on your chest like a turtle in its shell!

(Additional option: add lotus hands by spreading your fingers widely and bringing your palms together only at the base. To form a floral shape, round your hands open and touch the tips of your thumbs and pinkies together.)

10 Incredible Spring Yoga Ideas for Kids


The Yoga Alphabet is our favorite since it is suitable for children of all ages. Those who are learning the alphabet can undertake yoga positions to help them recognize the letters and the sounds they produce.


Children like animals, so they will enjoy practicing yoga positions that are based on their favorites. One animal a day might be the focus of a week-long camp, or you can vary it up by kind or place, such as Animals of the Arctic, Animals of Africa, or Zoo animals.


A fantastic tool for teaching children respiratory control is the breathing ball. Yoga includes breathing techniques, which may be quite relaxing for toddlers (and adults!).


In addition to being entertaining, using support in yoga positions helps keep youngsters interested for extended periods. Yoga balls that can be rolled or passed provide excellent props to utilize while working with children. Yoga blocks or stuffed animals are also excellent for balancing, whether the kids are using them as a balance beam or the blocks or stuffed animals are in various positions on top of the kids.


A lengthier kids’ yoga session is the ideal time to follow it up with some entertaining crafts. You may create your eye pillows, glitter jars, balancing eagles, life-size skulls, and other crafts that fit your theme. You might create animal masks or puppets if you took an animal yoga session, for instance.


Several excellent yoga books detail each posture. A simple lesson plan results from this. Alternatively, you may add yoga positions to each section of a novel you enjoy, drawing inspiration from the plot or the pictures. The Empty Cup serves, as an illustration, using the Zen Story.


To keep youngsters interested in the class, playing games are usually a good idea. You can use a variety of fun kid-friendly yoga activities to enhance your camps, such as the Scavenger Hunt or these wonderful games.


An excellent approach to begin any yoga session is sun salutations (Surya Namaskar). With the use of visual aids like the Yoga Man vs. The Stressor colouring pages from the Inclusive Yoga Module, kids can do sun salutations more easily.


Yoga with a partner is an excellent approach to get youngsters to cooperate and have fun. Kids can learn how to help one another at this time as well. Since I’ve been teaching kids for 20 years, I can attest that partner yoga is fantastic for kids over 5 years old. As in a family yoga class, it is best to pair up children under the age of five with an adult.


Any yoga session must include relaxation, and children need it just as much as adults do. While some problem-solving may be required during your downtime, there are many wonderful strategies that you can employ with children. Imagination, deep breathing, and progressive muscle relaxation are a few favourites.

Spring-Themed Yoga Games

  • Spring Up-Balloon Game: Blow up multiple balloons in soft colours. Group or divide into teams. Keeping the balloon aloft is a game! To make this balloon game more difficult and conscious, add restrictions like using one finger only, standing on one foot, or closing one eye.
  • Jelly Bean Sort: Grab some plastic cups and a pack of jelly beans. Sort the jelly beans carefully (and quickly!) into cups or stacks.
  • Easter- Egg Hunt: Blow up multiple balloons in soft colours. Group or divide into teams. Keeping the balloon aloft is a game! To make this balloon game more difficult and conscious, add restrictions like using one finger only, standing on one foot, or closing one eye. Grab some plastic cups and a pack of jelly beans. Sort the jelly beans carefully (and quickly!) into cups or stacks.

Benefits of Yoga for Children

  • Similar to adult exercise, yoga helps the body’s systems and critical motor abilities develop
  • Yoga may be used as a brain break to help pupils relax and refocus their concentration.
  • Yoga teaches young people to be conscious and breathe deeply, which is linked to benefits in stress management and anxiety reduction.
  • Yoga is a skill-neutral practice that fosters inclusivity. It is wonderful for a range of kids and their various interests because it is non-competitive and personalized.
  • Toddlers, especially younger children, are still developing their coordination and balance. Yoga can support this growth and assist kids with


How can I introduce spring to my children?

Look for indications of spring by going for a stroll across your neighborhood or at the park nearby. You may either come up with your yoga positions or use the suggested spring yoga sequence below. Encourage your children’s imagination and narrative since the purpose of this activity is to have them learn about spring via movement.

What is covered in the recurring kid’s yoga classes?

Simple and quick kids’ yoga ideas each month! Each monthly topic comes with a breathing exercise, a focus yoga posture, a flow of three poses, and a focus yoga book to let you get creative.

How can yoga, or having their children do yoga, assist families?

Children who practice yoga for their families get many rewards. Technology has made it incredibly simple to become distracted, especially for young minds. Your child will be encouraged to be active, concentrate better in class, and ideally be more motivated to better share sentiments with family members if they practice yoga. Every time you practice yoga, you discover something new about yourself and are pushed to be a better version of yourself.


Enjoy these spring yoga for kids’ ideas. Find out if your kids can think of any further changes that occur in the spring, such as those that affect the weather, animals, or plants. There are countless options, and incorporating these seasonal shifts into yoga poses makes them much more memorable.