Is Praying a Form of Meditation

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Is praying a form of meditation? Understanding the relation between the two!

You might believe that there is no difference between meditation and praying as both require you to isolate yourself in a serene environment, close your eyes, concentrate and also heal spiritually. So, is praying a form of meditation?

People who practise religion view prayer as an important aspect of their existence. They view prayer as a means of communicating their praise and ideas to the supreme. However, there is no connection to a higher force during meditation. Your connection with yourself is what we’re after, not some external connection. Therefore, in this article, we will try to know more about the basic differences between meditation and prayer, their similarities and many more.

What is a Prayer?

The process of praying is communicating and connecting oneself to the supreme. Although words are used to express what is being said, the intellect and heart are also involved. People seek their Creator’s intercession through prayer. They pray for His blessing, express their gratitude, and implore patience and fortitude to withstand life’s challenges.

Most world religions practise regular prayer. Nearly every religion has particular prayers that adherents recite in order to find safety, express gratitude, and seek refuge.

Whatever terminology and methods you choose to describe prayer, it is undeniable that it helps a troubled heart and provides peace.

What is Meditation?

The practice of meditation involves having control of your thoughts.  The use of meditation methods to hone one’s attention and gain a greater awareness of oneself and their surroundings is a spiritual practice. People can achieve a calm, awake state of mind through meditation, which enables them to see things clearly. Emotional balance and tranquility are brought about by meditation.

A 2005 study shows that both praying and meditation are connected with spiritual healing. But even though they both promote calmness, praying and meditation are distinct from one another. Even though meditation does not necessarily result in the formation of moral convictions, prayer is imagined as a connection with the supreme. It is merely a method to become more conscious and live a better life.

Meditation vs Prayer! Is Praying a form of meditation?

Both prayer and meditation encourage us to delve more deeply into the current moment and consider what is truly important. To help you understand the distinction between the two, we’ll now examine meditation and prayer.

Who are you connected to?Connecting to yourself is necessary for meditation. You will be able to solve your issues on your own by clearing your mind during a meditation practice.Through prayer, you can communicate with a more powerful deity, such as God. In the end, the individual from whom you seek guidance and healing in prayer is spiritual in character and exists outside of yourself.
BeliefMeditation is not dependent on belief.Praying is dependent on belief.
A distinct goalThe main goal of meditation is to achieve mental stillness while bringing consciousness to your actions and behaviours. It’s about living kindly and empathetically and stepping out of your mind.You can travel through life with the aid of prayer. The goal of spirituality is to be able to praise and appreciate your supreme being for giving you life, for the knowledge you have acquired, for the events that have led to this point in time, and for your knowledge of your place in society and how you can contribute to the betterment of society.
NatureConcentration and focus constitute meditation.Speaking words of praise or appeal constitutes prayer
Duration of practiseMost people prefer to meditate for about 20 minutes, but a meditation session can last anywhere from five minutes to about an hour.The duration of a prayer and a state of meditation varies. Usually, prayers vary in time according to different religions and cultures.
How is it vocalized?Most people who meditate do so silently. The practice will not include any spoken words. Instead, as you contemplate, you remain silent and concentrate on the present.The most common way to express a prayer is to speak aloud to a sacred source. You talk aloud because the person who is hearing your words is a direct audience.
FocusMeditation calls for intense focus.Prayer might only call for relaxed focus
How do you perceive?When you meditate, your attention is on the current moment, when you have maximum control over your behaviour.In prayer, you think back on your deeds in an effort to achieve a good afterlife in heaven and stay away from hell.

The Effectiveness of Meditation and Prayer

It is impossible to undervalue the force of meditation and prayer. The value of prayer and meditation has multiplied in today’s busy world. The best method to understand life’s purpose and lead is through prayer and meditation. Let’s look more closely at the significance of praying and meditation.

  • Meditation and Prayer Boost Consciousness: Numerous topics related to discussions of science and faith are questioned by prayer and meditation. The study of the connection between the brain and religious devotion is known as neurotheology. Neuropathologists study what transpires in people’s minds during intense spiritual practice. Both prayer and meditation put the human mind in a more awake state, but they also encompass the area of the brain that allows sensory data to give way to emotions.
  • Our personalities are shaped by prayer and meditation: Our ideas and habits are shaped by exercises like prayer and meditation. A person becomes more mature through prayer and meditation. Studies have shown that prayer and mindful meditation can help people become more emotionally stable and cognizant of their emotions. Additionally, it can improve a person’s interpersonal and intrapersonal growth, which increases self-awareness and boosts confidence. Additionally, it lessens insecurities and pettiness, which promotes more empathy and better cooperative characteristics. Our personalities are impacted when character traits are improved, and this helps us succeed in both our personal and work lives.
  • Meditation and Prayer Reduce Negativity: Prayer and meditation reduce the reactivity to any uncertain or negative events. The reason for this is that meditation and prayer cause our thoughts to change and enable us to concentrate on something besides ourselves. In order for people to think clearly, the limbic system needs to be calmed down through prayer and meditation. They both assist people in controlling their fear and concentrating on constructive solutions so they can live rational lives.

How Prayer and Meditation Get Us Away from Fight or Flight Mode

While coping with a trauma or other challenging situation, the relationship between in-depth reflection and a reduction in action can be helpful. It’s very straightforward: We cannot be yelling or bashing walls while we are praying. Therefore, we are unable to respond. Not that one should bottle up their rage or grief and lock it away in a prayer, but prayer and meditation may be helpful when we’re scarcely able to cope just for the sake of self-care.

Our limbic system, also referred to as our central nervous system, is hyper-activated during stressful situations, which has two effects: it forces us into survival mode, where we freeze, fight, or escape the situation, we transition from the present state into a future state. Additionally, it disables our executive functioning and impairs our ability to think effectively. Because of this, we are more likely to behave irresponsibly and poorly under stress. 

There is evidence to support the theory that prayer and meditation can cause the brain to release feel-good chemicals.

How to Pray Mindfully? 

Being mindful can support your deliberate prayer. Prayer is closely linked to the meditative process of acknowledgment and acceptance. In reality, prayer is a form of mindful activity that enables you to concentrate attentively on developing a closer, more personal relationship with God.

Whatever your religion, you can use these methods to help you pray mindfully.

  • Acknowledge: You can commence your prayer by recognising the divinity present both within and all around you. Are you calling on an ascended teacher, Earth energy, or your higher self? You might have a specific person in mind to summon, or you might just call on the highest vibrations. No source should be avoided because there is no such thing as right or incorrect. Think about how the divine is already present within you. It could appear as joy, love, intuition, or creativity.
  • Develop an attitude of gratitude: By expressing appreciation at the outset of your prayer, you can feel centred. From the smallest victories to the biggest ones, you can always find reasons to be thankful. You have reasons to celebrate and be pleased with yourself. Consider practising gratitude for your family and friends, the garments on your back, or the roof over your head. Likewise, be grateful for the gifts you already know are coming. Open your heart and with joy and humility, express your sincere gratitude.
  • Develop acceptance: Acceptance makes room for and makes it easier for new opportunities. Think about how you can let go of resistance during your meditation, even if it’s just today. Remember that accepting responsibility for your present circumstance is not part of acceptance. Additionally, it is not about losing up on your goals or resisting change. Although you are still responsible for your thoughts, feelings, and actions, you are learning to accept the moment you are in rather than battling it or rushing into the future.
  • Decide on Goals. Reality is imprinted by intentions. In order to communicate with the divine:
  1. Ask for assistance and direction whenever you need it.
  2. Create an image of your ideal self.
  3. Declare the feelings you want to have.
  4. Request the assistance you require. The amount of assistance you can get is limitless.
  5. Ask for the enlightenment of your mind, the support of your body, and the illumination of your soul.

Keep in mind to pursue everyone’s best interests.

  • Surrender: You might get what you want or even more if you ask nicely. Be receptive to all of your options. Trust in the path and in your own guidance. Give up the notion of protection. You might frequently enter meditation believing that you will be protected. However, you can only find protection if you have the courage to venture into the unknown. You can develop your faith like a muscle with time and practice.
  • Energy healing: It’s not necessary to use words when praying. Energy exchanges with the supernatural are also possible. Try the following practice, for instance:
  1. Imagine a stream of pure white light passing through you from above, securing you to the ground.
  2. Accept the energy and allow it to heal your body, mind, and spirit. You might feel bolstered or experience tingling, warmth, coolness, or both.
  3. Give yourself at least five minutes to receive updates, files, and affection. Be aware that this energy is bringing your truest goals into alignment.


Is prayer a type of meditation?

Even though they both promote calmness, praying and meditation are distinct from one another. While meditation by definition does not create moral convictions, prayer is imagined as a connection with God. It is merely a method to become more conscious and live a better life.

Is praying able to produce the same results as meditation?

Prayer might be comparable to meditation in its advantages: Your nervous system may become more relaxed, turning off the flight or fight reaction. You might become less irritable and furious as a result of it. People pray for a variety of causes, such as direction, gratitude, comfort, or protection.

Why is meditation essential in prayer?

While coping with a traumatic event or other challenging situation, the relationship between in-depth contemplation and a reduction in action can be helpful. Our reactivity to stressful and negative occurrences can be greatly reduced by prayer and meditation. They are effective because they direct our attention away from ourselves.

What psychological effects does praying have?

First, praying and reflecting for 12 minutes each day has a significant positive effect on our brain. It reinforces a special neural circuit that particularly improves our social awareness as well as empathy and aids in the development of a greater sense of compassion and the control of unpleasant emotions, enabling us to appreciate our neighbour.

How is meditation applied to prayer?

Silence and stillness are used in meditative meditation to help believers hear and communicate with God. Believers can prepare their bodies and minds for meditative prayer and the “work of meditation” through a variety of practices, such as shutting their eyes and praying while listening to music or with beads.

How does prayer lessen tension?

The relaxation reaction is triggered by prayer, and it regulates blood pressure and other stress-related factors. The stress of having to be in charge can be lessened by exercising secondary control through prayer, which transfers control to something bigger than oneself.

Why does prayer improve my mood?

Given the constraints, it can be challenging to determine whether the emotional and mental relief some people experience after praying results from figuratively casting their worries upon another being or from a metaphysical God stepping in and easing the mental burden. Whatever a person considers important in life, their values, or a higher power, prayer can help them feel more connected. Additionally, prayer can help with isolation, anxiety, and dread.

What keeps us from praying?

First, we must protect our senses: Distractions can come from disturbances, other people, the scent of cooking, a hot, stuffy room, or an activity taking place where we are attempting to pray.

Can the body be healed through prayer?

For thousands of years, healing has been connected to religious practices. People offer prayers for healing from sickness and for good health. One or more of a number of processes can lead to wellness and recovery through prayer.

How can I feel at ease praying?

  • When you’re alone, say your prayers aloud.
  • Accept that you are not required to worship in the same way as other people.
  • Be brief in your supplication.
  • Before attempting novel forms of prayer aloud, try them out on your own.
  • Before you pray, make a list of the things you want to pray about.


Prayer and meditation have the ability to alter your reality. Finding out who you are and rediscovering your origin is one of the goals of meditation and prayer so that you can experience life as it was intended—without selfishness and to the fullest extent possible.

So, it is recommended to indulge in both meditation and prayer to lead a much better life and gain greater benefits.