It’s fantastic that meditation along with yoga is getting more and more well-liked and people are even getting spiritually benefited by it . Meditation is also said to improve a person’s sleep schedule and make him/her feel calm . Although it’s advised to maintain mental clarity, many people report seeing purple colour during meditation.
Chakras aren’t something that everyone believes in, and that’s okay! Simply take in the stunning colours and let your mind drift. But here’s what you need to know if you’re curious about what those colours represent.
What does seeing purple during meditation mean?

Many people talk about seeing purple during meditation or seeing purple spots during meditation. The colour purple represents your spirituality and inner imagination. It is regarded as an introspective colour that helps us connect with our innermost feelings. Purple and violet share similar definitions. Seeing purple colour during meditation, on the other hand, is thought to be more acute than violet. Below mentioned are some of the points which tells us what does seeing purple during meditation mean:
- Purple is related to the third eye chakra, which is situated between the eyebrows. In several cultures, the third eye is significant and is regarded to have clairvoyant abilities. In essence, it enables wisdom and allows us to perceive the big picture.
- Our awareness is widened and our connection to higher consciousness is facilitated by the colour purple. Due to its relationship to consciousness, seeing purple light during meditation has come to be understood as representing the soul’s evolution.
- Purple encourages mental harmony, which fosters peace of mind and mental stability.
- The royal, noble, and high-quality richness associations that give purple its strength make it a colour that commands respect.
- It should only be used carefully and cautiously, especially by people who are vulnerable to depressive disorders. This is due to the fact that excessive exposure to the colour purple is known to promote and exacerbate depressed symptoms in people.
The Meanings of Meditation Colors

You’re not alone in seeing colours while meditating and it’s not just that people are only seeing the colour purple during meditation. There are many other colours seen by people and as I just indicated; in fact, it’s rather frequent.
The significance of the visions or colours you’re seeing is typically connected to the route you’re on when meditating. It might also be related to a chakra or a particular part of your body. Let us discuss this in detail.
- Black colour: Black has a hidden quality that is conducive to meditation. Many people even talk about seeing purple and black during meditation. By keeping anything sealed up, it symbolises the concealed or unknown. When someone is under potential external emotional stress, this colour might provide protection. By limiting information, black can represent authority and control. It suggests independence, restraint, reliability, and a strong will. It can also neutralise any unfavourable energies you may be experiencing.
- Yellow colour: There have also been instances where people are seeing purple and yellow during meditation. The navel chakra is related to the colour yellow. This chakra can make you feel vibrant and assured when it’s in harmony. It has to do with potential and inner strength. You can experience anxiety or a sense of stagnation if it’s blocked. Yellow is associated with information that has been acquired, the mind, and individual intelligence. Yellow’s bright tone and high location on the colour wheel give rise to uplifting, hopeful meanings in colour psychology. It provides joy, elation, enlightenment, optimism, and enjoyment.
- White colour: During meditation, did you notice a white light or have there been times when you are seeing purple and white during meditation. Your crown chakra, particularly found at the crown of the head, is the reason for that. This chakra is involved with our intuition and connects to source energy. It can cause migraines, disassociation, and anxiety when obstructed. During your meditation, if you see white light, it stands for purity, completion, and totality. It is the colour of perfection and symbolises both the good and bad qualities of every colour in the colour wheel. White is a reflecting color, which means it may encourage openness, development, and innovation.
- Red colour: The root chakra, which can be found beneath the tailbone, prefers the colour red. As its name suggests, this chakra helps to keep us rooted. We are connected to the Earth, truth, and life via it. People who are blocked frequently struggle with their finances, careers, diets, and senses of belonging. Red is a strong colour that exudes warmth, passion, and vigour. You will feel energised and inspired to act in your life when you see the colour red during your meditation. Additionally, it can be utilized to increase hunger, and it might be your deepest desires urging you to feed your body properly.
- Green colour: There are also many people who have said that they have been seeing purple and green colour during meditation. People are frequently surprised to learn that the heart chakra is associated with the colour green. Pain or trauma can cause this chakra to become blocked, but when it is open, it allows us to give as well as receive love. The three qualities of compassion, forgiveness, and inner serenity are all related to this chakra. Green is a symbol for harmony, balance, and personal development. It has the power to harmonise our emotions and establish harmony between our heart and mind. During meditation, seeing green may represent the rebirth and replenishment of stale energy.
- Orange colour: The colour orange is associated with the sacral or pelvic chakra. Given its location, you would have anticipated that this chakra affects the reproductive and sexual organs. It’s where one stores their sexual and artistic energy. Due to its link with the joyful yellow and stimulating red, the colour orange is one of compassion and kindness, expressing joy and merriment. It is said to be the colour of social interaction and adventure. Due to its openness to new ideas and adventurous spirit, orange is often associated with exploration, curiosity, competition, and independence.
- Blue colour: Many people have also been seeing purple and blue during meditation and if you notice the colour blue, your throat chakra is associated with it. When we don’t express our truth, this chakra frequently becomes blocked. It has to do with how well people can express themselves and communicate. The virtues of trust, loyalty, and responsibility are honoured by the colour blue, which can bring about order and organisation in your life, resulting in complete relaxation and a decrease in stress and worry. The colour blue actively seeks for tranquility and calm in your life, which reduces tension.
Guidelines for Color Meditation

Our daily lives involve colour in various ways—sometimes softly, sometimes spectacularly. In order to get us to generate specific thoughts about things and places, colour is used in advertising. For similar reasons that include concentrating on colour when you practise daily meditation can significantly improve your health.
- Recognize how colour and the chakras work together: The Sanskrit term for wheel is chakra. In your body, there are seven chakras that are spaced evenly throughout your spine, which goes from the crown of your head to the base of your spine. A chakra is an energetic center, and it is symbolised by a certain colour. In order to achieve harmony in your mind and body, promote healing, and achieve peace of mind, colour meditation involves concentrating on all of your chakras and their colour vibration.
- To address any mental or physical issues, meditate on a particular colour: Examine your ideas and your bodily feelings mentally before starting your meditation. Do you struggle with a problem in your relationships? Pay attention to red and your root chakra. Do you find it difficult to advocate for yourself? Concentrate on your throat chakra and the colour blue. Focus on the colour and chakra that pertains to the areas of your body where you are experiencing physical weakness.
Try meditating on a spectrum of colours:
- In a peaceful environment, either lie down or sit down to find a comfortable position.
- Take several cleansing, deep breaths.
- Begin to inhale and exhale evenly.
- Draw a golden light into your body in your mind and let it flow from your head all the way down to your feet.
- Let the light shine through you from head to toe.
- When you are entirely at ease, start focusing on every chakra and its associated colour. Start with your red root chakra and concentrate on the characteristics of that chakra while visualising red. Up until you reach the crown chakra, keep concentrating on each colour and chakra in turn.
- As you come to the end of your meditation, take a couple more long, cleansing breaths.
- Before you leave your meditation state, picture your being once more immersed in golden light.
What Do I Do If I See Colors While Meditating?

When meditating, it can be a wonderful experience to see colours. Even so, don’t feel terrible if you never run into them again. Some individuals are more sensitive to energy than they are to sight.
However, there are various ways to include colour explosions if they happen to you when you’re meditating.
- Request a Lesson: Ask for explanations if you’re not sure why you’re seeing certain colours. The entire day or week, ask your instructors to demonstrate what they mean.
- Develop Focus: If you have a beautiful colour show as a gift, focus on every last aspect. Is it sparkling? Do they have rays? Is that a wavy wall of colour? Take note of your feelings. Keep your attention solely on the colour and how it makes you feel.
- Define It: By directing the colour to various areas of your body, you can practise working with energy. the number of times you attempt, the simpler it will be. Pay attention to your intuition for guidance.
- Invoke Healing: Light has the power to heal. Ask it to balance and clear your aura and energies. Appreciate it for coming.
Does meditation make it simple to perceive such colours?
Finding those colours during meditation is difficult. To focus at that level requires a lot of practice and endurance. Concentrating on one subject while eradicating any other ideas from the mind is one of the fundamental objectives of meditation. At first, doing that could be challenging, but with practice, it gets much simpler.
What shade represents karma?
Karma’s colour is sage green. It’s a soothing, organic colour that represents patience, understanding, and wisdom. When you do good deeds, you generate good karma.
Additionally, evil deeds bring forth ill karma. But don’t worry—in the end, the cosmos always brings everything into balance.
What colour conjures up heaven?
Since blue is the hue of the sky, blue is frequently linked to heaven. The sky is frequently regarded as a portal to heaven, and as blue is the sky’s predominant color, it is connected to heaven.
What does it signify if you get colour vision while in meditation?
It’s typical and calming to see colours while meditating. Each colour is associated with a certain chakra or energy centre in the body, according to Ayurveda and other Eastern healing systems, so when you see a certain hue, it denotes that healing is occurring there.
Which colors represent spiritual messages?
The soul is represented by or related with spiritual colours. The spiritual colours are red, orange, yellow, green, white, black, and brown. Each of these colours carries a spiritual meaning in addition to other uplifting energy.
What colour is associated with spiritual healing?
As the colour of healing, green is advantageous in all healing circumstances. Green represents harmony, peace, and is frequently a sign of a healer in the aura.
Which color draws finance?
Getting Finance: Use red, purple, or green to decorate.
Red is regarded as powerful and auspicious, and colour has a significant impact on mood. Consider donning a crimson power tie or strutting down the red carpet. However, there is a catch. Purple and green are also important colours for attracting riches.
What colour represents the Hindu spirit?
Saffron: In Hinduism, saffron is considered to be the most sacred colour. All religious ceremonies must be conducted in this colour because it represents fire. Ascetics and holy men wear saffron robes. As a result, it stands for innocence and the pursuit of light.
Why do my closed eyelids cause me to see purple?
It’s very common to see colours if you close your eyes. It’s just how your eyes function. Some individuals pay them attention, while others don’t. However, some eye conditions might lead to far more visible phosphenes.
Can anybody make out purple?
For the better or for the worse, purple is absent from the colour spectrum. There isn’t a single wavelength that, like red, blue, or green, causes you to see the colour purple. This explains what it means for a colour to be “non-spectral” and why purple is unique among all the colours we can see.
While meditating, seeing colours and having visions can provide a potent and illuminating window into our inner minds.You should always examine what you saw subsequently rather than focusing on them while you were still in your meditation.
Here’s to effective meditation and achieving greater harmony between the spirit and the body!