How long are yoga classes? how to choose a proper schedule?

How Long Are Yoga Classes

Yoga is comparable to most types of exercise since it can benefit from both short and long sessions and it is advised to perform yoga at least three times a week. But yoga is typically thought of as an hour-long workout. However, yoga classes can really last for anywhere between five and 90 minutes, sometimes even […]

How long are yoga mats? What is the best length?

How Long Are Yoga Mats

Are you just beginning your rigorous yoga practice? A yoga mat is among the necessities that you should get. Now, when selecting a yoga mat for yourself, the very first question that will pop up is, how long are yoga mats?  There is a norm for size, but what if you are a person who […]

A beginner’s guide on how to prepare for hot yoga class?

How to Prepare for Hot Yoga

How to prepare for your first hot yoga class like a pro? It’s important to be prepared both mentally and physically to withstand the demanding nature of the class. In order to have the greatest experience possible and provide answers to the question as in how to prepare for hot yoga class, there are a […]

The correct way to use a yoga mat! Which side is up?

Yoga Mat Which Side Up

Any yoga practitioner needs a yoga mat since it offers a pleasant and secure surface for practise. To get the most out of a yoga mat, you need to know the correct way to use a  yoga mat, which side up? Yoga mats often have a smoother surface on one side and a non-slip surface […]

A Comprehensive Guide On The Difference Between Yoga and Asana

Difference Between Yoga and Asana

Are you confused about whether yoga and asana are the same? Well, you’re not alone. Many people often interchangeably use these terms without knowing the difference between yoga and asana. In this blog post, we’ll explore the dissimilarities between yoga and asana, giving you clarity on their unique roles in achieving holistic health. So sit […]

How Much Yoga Is Too Much: Finding The Perfect Balance 

How Much Yoga Is Too Much

Are you a dedicated yogi who can’t get enough of their practice, or are you just curious about how much is too much? Either way, you’ve arrived at the right place! In this blog post, we’ll explore the age-old question: “How much yoga is too much?” and provide some insights into over- practising physical and […]

Why is kriya yoga dangerous and how can you practice safely?

Is Kriya Yoga Dangerous

Kriya yoga having great meditative powers has also some potential risks if not done correctly. In order to get the full benefits of kriya yoga without being prone to it’s dangers you need to take these risks into consideration. So, if you are curious about these potential risks of practicing kriya yoga then don’t fret […]

What does a Yoga body look like: Debunking the Myth of a “Yoga Body”

What Does a Yoga Body Look Like

Yoga has become enormously popular in recent decades, with millions worldwide incorporating it into their routines. Unfortunately, popular culture often promotes the ideal of a “yoga body,” confusing what exactly this entails. Our goal with this article is to define what a yoga body looks like and offer advice on how to achieve this ideal. […]