How Do You Feel After Meditation and How It Can Change Your Mood?

How Do You Feel After Meditation

In recent times, there has been a surge in popularity in the practice of meditation as a means of relieving stress and improving overall well-being. Although many individuals claim to feel a sense of peace and relaxation after meditating, the impact of this practice on one’s emotional and mental states is complex and can vary […]

Find Out Why You Feel Dizzy After Meditation & How To Overcome It

Dizzy After Meditation

If you know people who meditate, you might have heard about discomfort and unusual sensations linked to it. It’s common to find people feeling dizzy after meditation at retreats or online forums. Don’t worry, experiencing dizziness or a spinning sensation during or after meditation is normal.  In this article, we’ll discuss what causes this dizzy […]

Blue Light Meditation: The Meaning, Significance, Benefits & Steps To Practice It

Blue Light Meditation

Imagine a form of meditation that combines the soothing power of mindfulness with the therapeutic benefits of blue light – the secret is “Blue Light Meditation.” This article will discuss the significance, symbolism, and various interpretations woven into this unique practice. But it doesn’t stop there; we’ll also reveal how you can reap its numerous […]

How to meditate properly? The ultimate Guide on how to do it!

How to Meditate Properly

Medically reviewed by Dr. Rai Meditation is a generations-old practice that is thought to have originated in India thousands of years ago. Though meditation has a long cultural history, it has evolved from a religious concept to something that now appears more fashionable than spiritual.  The idea of meditation may appear simple to many – […]

Yoga Daily vs Yoga Weekly: How Often Should You Do Yoga?

Making yoga a part of your life is probably the best advice you’ll ever receive. It is an incredible tool that is filled with health and wellness benefits. Now, have you ever come across any trendy Instagram posts with fancy arm balances, headstands that have intrigued you to jump in feet-first? Well, we might all […]

Tension in your Jaw, let’s understand it Spiritually and Ease your Pain

Tension In Your Jaw The Spiritual Meaning

The slightest discomfort in your jaw can hamper your day-to-day life, interfering with basic movements such as talking, yawning, and even eating. In most cases, we tend to neglect it with the expectation that it will magically disappear someday. Such wishful thinking can often mislead you, making you suffer longer than necessary.  The sooner you […]

Understanding “What Is Going Inward Mean In Meditation”: A Comprehensive Guide

What Is Going Inward Mean in Meditation

In today’s fast-paced world, meditation has gained immense popularity as more individuals seek refuge in its calming and centering effects. But what exactly happens when we close our eyes, find our center, and dive deep within ourselves during meditation?  In this article, “What is going inward mean in meditation,” we will explore the mysterious inner […]

Exploring Guerilla Meditation: What It Is and How to Do It?

Guerilla Meditation

Guerilla meditation is a pretty unique and unconventional way to practise mindfulness and relaxation. What makes it one-of-a-kind is that you do it in public spaces, often without permission or approval. Even though it’s not all that accepted, Guerilla meditation has become more popular in recent times as a method to deal with stress, anxiety, […]

The Ultimate Guide to What is Yin Yang Yoga and Their Co-Existing Nature

What is Yin Yang Yoga

Yin Yang Yoga has become a popular exercise many people are trying. But what is Yin Yang Yoga, and how does it impact our body, mind, and spirit?  The Yin and Yang concepts are still evident in contemporary life. For instance, light from the sun reaches the earth, yet darkness also exists. Although they seem […]