Can’t do eagle arms pose? Here’s what to do. Having stiff shoulders or back muscles makes eagle arms difficult for many individuals. Practice eagle arm variants and alter your eagle arms to gradually work up to the full expression to enhance flexibility and openness. The arms and legs are wrapped around and twisted together like the rope in the full eagle position, called Garudasana in Sanskrit. Eagle arms may be used in a variety of other yoga postures as a variety, so you can find yourself doing them in a variety of postures during your practice. Eagle arms yoga comes reasonably easily for some practitioners, however, for others, it takes some time to develop the body’s openness and suppleness to discover the full expression.
What is Eagle Arms Yoga?
Sukhasana Garuda Arms, also known as Easy Pose Eagle Arms, is a simpler alternative to practicing Eagle Pose for opening the shoulder and upper back (Garudasana). Beginners may find the traditional standing posture of Garudasana difficult since it requires them to balance one leg while twisting their lower body as well. As a result, the Easy Posture Eagle Arms (Sukhasana Garuda Arms), which encourages students to concentrate on their upper bodies and gain flexibility in their upper back, shoulders, elbows, and wrists, serves as a fantastic transitional pose before the final pose.
Garuda means eagle in Sanskrit, and asana is a position. It is named after the mythical bird Garuda, which serves as Lord Vishnu’s chariot. The lats, rhomboids, and trapezii, muscles of the upper back and shoulders, are lengthened by crossing your elbows next to your torso. The ability to bring focus to the breathing while gradually expanding the heart through extension of the shoulders makes this version well recognized for aiding in meditation. Additionally, it aids in calming the breath and the mind, both of which are necessary for effective meditation. The problems of old age are unique, and seniors who lead sedentary lifestyles may develop hunchbacks. Owing to the sensitivity and application of this variant, it may be included in senior yoga when performed alternately on a chair, slowing the rate of age-related spinal deterioration. Additionally, because pregnant women prefer to bend over and often find it uncomfortable to walk with their chests protruding out, even their spines might benefit from this stance during the third trimester.
When Should You Employ Eagle Arms Yoga?
This position typically appears at the beginning of your practice as a technique to warm up and activate the arms and shoulders, namely the upper arms. It may also be employed after the sequence to reinforce all the advantages your exercise has given your upper back. It is most frequently utilized in conjunction with the other chest postures, like Urdhva Hastasana, Urdhva Baddhanguliyasana, Gomukasana Arms, and Paschima Namaskar, as part of your warm-up. It is an ubiquitous posture in the notion that you may utilize it both apart from your regular yoga practice and as part of it while you are getting up, working at your desk, or anytime you have some free time.
Spotlights of the Eagle Pose or Garudasana
Garudasana, or the balancing posture, can support the restoration of your body, mind, and soul. It has various advantages, including extending the hips, encouraging deep breathing, and improving balance and concentration. The more you press back into Utkatasana from Garudasana, the deeper the stretch you get for your hips and shoulders (chair position). Twist your legs and arms more tightly to fully stretch your stiff shoulders and hips.
Practicing attention while in Garudasana has the added benefit of helping you develop greater balance and core strength. To accomplish this, strengthen your concentration by concentrating on a spot in front of you. Then, when you open your lungs and back muscles, employ your deep breathing method to assist you to maintain your posture. Joints including the elbows, shoulders, wrists, ankles, knees, and hips may all be opened by this Garudasana. Additionally, it can cleanse the kidneys and circulate circulation to the reproductive organs while detoxifying the body. The yoga position of eagle arms helps to expand the hips. Additionally, you have control over how wide open your hips are. Simply adopt a chair stance and sit back farther. The hip stretch deepens as you encircle your legs more closely about yourself. For this and other reasons, runners and those with tight hips should practice the eagle arms yoga position.
Getting into the Eagle Pose
There are several arm positioning strategies to consider while investigating the advantages of an eagle stance. These can aid in a little or substantial shoulder stretch. Cross your arms next to you with the elbows bent, then reach with your hands for the opposing shoulder.
Then, with the aid of your fingers, draw your arms past one another at the elbows. Maintain this through several breaths in and out. After then, extend your arms such that your forearms are all now crossed. To do this, spread your shoulders further. Lock the fingers of the lower arm into the palm of the upper arm while your forearms are crossed. Now switch up your posture. Either raise your elbows or extend your forearms next to you.
How to do the Eagle pose?
Begin the eagle posture with a knowledgeable yogi or yoga instructor who can guide you through the movements. A video instruction may also prove to be useful. Beginning in Tadasana (mountain pose). Put your feet evenly spaced on the mat and enter Utkatasana (chair pose) with a straight upper back. Lift your right leg over your left leg.
Raise the right ankle over the left thigh while taking a breath in. Firmly plant the toes of the standing leg into the mat. Wrap your right foot now around your left calf muscle. Put your right arm beneath your left and squeeze your thighs together. Your arms are wrapped such that the palms of your hands contact as you sink into the chair with the right arm beneath the left (or grasp the fingers on your left hand with the right).
Maintain a shoulder-blade-level alignment with the knees and elbows. In the chair posture, take a deep breath and concentrate on the spot in front of you. Sit lower so that your hips experience a deeper stretch. Resuming Tadasana, unwrap your arms and legs after that. For a deeper stretch, you might want to thrash your limbs out once more and repeat the exercise. Alternate sides and begin the eagle yoga position once again are additional alternatives.
Adding stretch by tilting the upper arm or lowering the arms to the lower arm are two more variants of the Garudasana stance. In this manner, you may further extend your back and lengthen your spine. As you can see, there are many advantages to eagle posture in the Garudasana pose as well as several versions to attempt!
Anatomy of the Eagle Pose – This pose focuses on Shoulder and Arms in addition to the triceps and biceps. Therefore it may be incorporated into yoga sequences that focus on those muscles.
If you are a person with an existing wrist, elbow, or shoulder injury. If your lower back starts to hurt, sit on a chair instead of the ground.
Alterations to the Eagle Arms Pose
If you are unable to push your palms together or interlacing your fingers is discouraging you, don’t worry! Remember that you may still benefit from the position and improve your flexibility by performing modified variants.
The goal is not important in yoga. Instead, it is all about your practice journey and discovering acceptance and openness in your body in the present. You may still perform the position while opening out your torso to improve flexibility by modifying your eagle arms. Who knows, though? Maybe one day, with plenty of effort, you’ll be able to totally interlace your fingers and wrap your arms around!
You may practice a variety of variants for the eagle arms securely. Among the best changes are:
- Eagle arms with a strap: Crossing your arms at your chest might be difficult for some yogis. Straps make excellent yoga supports and may be used to alter eagle arms. You may choose how much stretch you want by adjusting the tension of the strap while holding the strap in one hand, crossing your arms, and securing it with the other.
- Embrace yourself tightly: If crossing your arms is difficult for you, hug yourself tightly and practice reaching for the shoulders on the other side. The more tightly you embrace, the more of a strain you will experience, so wrap your arms as far across the shoulder as you can.
- Grabbing a wrist: Use the opposite hand to grab the forearm of the hand that is on top if you really are capable of crossing your arms and are very near to interconnecting your fingers or pushing your palms together. You can begin to move your hands inwardly toward one another, finally interlacing your fingers or pressing your palm together in prayer.
- Prayer hands: You can adjust by holding your hands in a stance of prayer and pulling your elbows close together if you would rather cross your arms. Try to widen your collar, maintain a straight spine, and roll your shoulders back.
Why are Eagle Arms so Challenging?
Eagle arms are created by crossing your arms twice at the wrists and elbows, followed by interconnecting your fingers or pushing your palms. Eagle arms poses are especially challenging for some yogis because they open up the shoulders, deltoids, and upper back. Although some practitioners may effortlessly achieve the complete manifestation of eagle arms, a large number of yogis find every facet of the position to be difficult.
Eagle arms can be more challenging for you if you have:
- An expanded chest
- Tight deltoids, upper back, or shoulders
- Damage to the deltoid or shoulder
Eagle arm adjustments can help you gradually increase your elasticity and endurance. Just remember to exercise thoughtfully and gently. Keep in mind that altering a posture does not imply you are not practicing it; rather, you are doing eagle stance arms precisely how your body likes it and still receiving all the benefits.
Eagle Pose Arms Warm-Ups
Warming over your whole body, especially the shoulder, deltoids, and upper back, might be helpful before performing eagle position arms. Before performing an eagle arm posture in yoga, there are a variety of stretches you may perform before or during your yoga practice.
- Child’s pose: In this position, let the shoulder and upper back relax. Allow the big toes to contact while spreading your knees out to a mat’s width. Place the forehead on the carpet while you advance your hands. To relieve any stress in your neck, upper back, and shoulders, be careful to relax the shoulders down from your ears.

- Deltoid stretch: Everyone remembers this iconic stretch from gym class in elementary school. Extend your hand over the torso at chest level and support it with your opposing elbow. To intensify the stretch, draw the biceps curl nearer to your chest with the opposing arm. On each side, take five deep breaths.
- Interlaced fingers: Sit in an easy stance and spliced your fingers behind your back. To avoid hyperextension, squeeze the palms together and maintain your elbows slightly bent. Curl your shoulders up and back, and gradually begin to pull both hands outward. If it is tough to interlace your fingers, use a strap instead of the interlace. Stay for at least five deep breaths.
Posing Fully in the Eagle Pose
The most popular eagle position exercise is the eagle pose arms. The complete position requires you to balance on one leg while encircling both your arms and legs. The position is highly difficult and has several advantages, such as:
- Improved equilibrium and focus
- Opens up all of the body parts, main joints, allowing for a greater range of motion in the shoulders and upper back.
- Strengthens the calves, thighs, knees, ankles, and knees
Which Yoga Pose has Eagle Arms?
You can find yourself practicing eagle posture arms in postures apart from eagle pose. Many teachers like incorporating an eagle pose arm variation into various yoga positions during practice, so don’t be shocked if you discover yourself in Warrior 3 with eagle arms. Eagle arms may be a topic in class and appear in a variety of poses during your yoga lesson.
Poses that call for eagle arms include the following:
- Modest Warrior
- Pose known as Gomukhasana or Cow Face
- Goddess knelt
- Combatant three high lunge
- Warriors No. 1 and No. 2
Remember to use the eagle arms version that best suits you when performing any of these postures in a yoga class or at home. To make the stance and your body more comfortable, adjust your eagle arms. Finding the most effective eagle arm variant for you acknowledges both your body and your practice while also maintaining transparency and flexibility where it may be necessary.
Tips to do Eagle Arms Pose
If Garudasana is performed with the proper alignment, it will develop elegance, poise, and strength. When doing this stance, keep the following in mind:
- Put a strong grip on your arms and thighs. Your body will become more balanced the more compact you can make it.
- Work to maintain a straight line between your hands, arms, and thighs.
- Sink your hips further lower in the posture if you’re having problems encircling your foot or crossing your legs.
- Squeeze your thighs closer together to sit down deeper. Throughout the posture, maintain both inner thighs firmly pushing.
- To alleviate the neck and shoulder distress from working next to a computer or other screen all day, practice the pose’s arms alone (often referred to as “Eagle Arms”).
3 Preparatory Poses of Eagle Arms
Cow Face Pose, with Eagle Pose arms:
Benefits: Stretches the upper back and sides of the hips
Place your hand under your shoulders, your knees underneath your hips, and the soles of your feet against the mat as you approach the Tabletop. Bend your right knee left until the inside borders of both knees come together (both are still on the ground). Slide your feet apart, just wider than your hips. Curl the left leg around and on top of your right leg so that your knees are in line. Use your hands to twist your inner thighs behind you if they stick out ahead. Sit with your hips between your legs and slowly lower them to the floor. To support your hips, position a prop beneath your buttocks. Bring your arms forward with a 90-degree bend. Lift your left arm underneath your right, and then swirl the right hand and arm all around left till your hands are in Eagles Pose arms. Stay for 10 breaths before switching sides.
Spinal Balance:
Benefits – Increases reflexes (awareness of the body parts and their location in space), balance, and core strength
From Tabletop tighten your stomach as though you were putting on a fictitious corset. This causes tightness from the front to the rear and from side to side. Raise your right arm, palm facing left, parallel to the ground and level with your shoulder. Lift your left leg until it is parallel to the ground and in line with your hip. To increase core activation, hug the raised limbs toward one another without moving them, creating an isometric contraction. Switch sides after holding for five breaths. On each side, repeat three times.
Prasarita Padottanasana:
Benefits – Extends and tightens the inlet and outlet thighs, as well as the mid-back.
Instruction – Take a broad posture with both feet parallel and 3 to 4 feet apart. Ground your feet equally on the inside and outside borders. Inhale to stretch the spine and exhale as you bend forward with your hands on your hips. Allow your hands to fall to the floor. Isometrically bring your legs near one another and press down from the outside hip through the outer feet to create stability. Grab your right outside shin with your left hand and pull it to the left, extending and strengthening your shoulders and back muscles. Hold for 5 breaths before switching sides.
Why should you adopt the eagle pose?
Opening the shoulders, back, knees, hips, arms, and feet using the eagle position is a terrific idea. You can improve your energy and equilibrium using it. Both beginners and experienced practitioners and yoginis who include it into flow yoga sequences might benefit from it.
Exactly How Do You Do the Eagle Pose?
Eagle posture begins from Tadasana (mountain pose). Then take Utkatasana (chair pose). Raise your right leg over the left thigh while keeping your back straight and taking a deep breath. Wrap your right foot around the left calf muscle and firmly interlock your feet on the upright leg. Put your right arm beneath your left and squeeze your thighs together. Next, sag back in a chair with your hands touching and your arms wrapped.
What Advantages Does Garudasana Offer?
Garudasana helps to enhance breathing, balance, and attention while stretching the hips and shoulders. It is a strong stretch that may loosen up tight or stiff shoulders and hips.
Does Eagle Pose Open the Hips?
Yes, the eagle posture expands the hips, and for a deeper stretch, you may sit back more in the chair stance. It’s one of the explanations why runners benefit most from the eagle position.
In the eagle pose, which arm is uppermost?
Using several arm positions might aid with the Eagle posture. Bend your elbows next to you while bending your elbows. Then extend your hands toward the opposing shoulders (right over left or left over right). Pull your arms apart past one another with the aid of your fingertips. Next, bend your elbows, cross your forearms, and interlock your fingers. Once you’ve finished, repeat the process with the second arm on top.
Now that you are aware of all things related to the eagle arms yoga, jump straight in and try the pose out!