When I open my eyes in Meditation it, feels easier and effortless. Why is that?

When I Open My Eyes Meditation

Meditation can be made more accessible with a twist: Instead of closing your eyes, some practitioners find that keeping them open does the trick. This unorthodox approach has made many wonder why open-eyed Meditation can be more accessible than traditional methods. In this article, we will explore the various aspects of the topic, addressing your […]

Crying During Meditation: Find Out Its Meaning, Causes & Tips On How To Overcome It

Crying During Meditation

Crying during meditation might feel confusing and intense, even though meditation aims to cultivate mindfulness, increase self-awareness, and promote relaxation. Don’t worry if this happens to you; you’re not alone, many beginners and experienced meditators have experienced this as well. Tears can result from long-buried emotions that surface when meditation silences our thoughts. As you […]

Find Out Why You Feel Dizzy After Meditation & How To Overcome It

Dizzy After Meditation

If you know people who meditate, you might have heard about discomfort and unusual sensations linked to it. It’s common to find people feeling dizzy after meditation at retreats or online forums. Don’t worry, experiencing dizziness or a spinning sensation during or after meditation is normal.  In this article, we’ll discuss what causes this dizzy […]

What Does Ego Death Mean? How To Practice Ego Death Meditation?

Ego Death Meditation

Imagine sitting alone in a quiet spot with your thoughts flowing like fish in a river and filtering them through your ego subconsciously. Suddenly, you realize your unfiltered thoughts are your true self. This insight goes beyond your prior beliefs and allows you to see the world without judgment, simply living in the present. In […]

Curious About Different Experiences of Meditation – Right Place To Look!

Experiences During Meditation

Are you curious about the meanings related to your personal experience of meditation? Is your meditation practice really effective or not? Many newbies and seasoned meditators worldwide have reported about various out of body experiences during meditation.  To clear out the mysteries behind these experiences, we’ve brought you an all-inclusive article on this intriguing topic […]

The Secrets of Floating Feeling during Meditation: A Comprehensive Guide

Floating Feeling During Meditation

Meditation, an increasingly popular practice, lets you focus on the present, unwind, and escape distractions. During meditation, you may feel weightless or as if floating, liberating you from the physical realm. This tranquil experience helps you dive deep into a meditative state. This article will explore the concept of the “floating feeling during meditation”, what […]

How to meditate properly? The ultimate Guide on how to do it!

How to Meditate Properly

Medically reviewed by Dr. Rai Meditation is a generations-old practice that is thought to have originated in India thousands of years ago. Though meditation has a long cultural history, it has evolved from a religious concept to something that now appears more fashionable than spiritual.  The idea of meditation may appear simple to many – […]

The Mysteries of Images Seen During Meditation: A Comprehensive Guide

Images Seen During Meditation

Have you encountered random images during meditation, leaving you curious and slightly unnerved?  Are you searching for a deeper meaning behind those experiences?  It’s completely natural to feel this way and rest assured, you’re not alone. Encountering images, colors, or any other visual stimulus while meditating can indeed evoke intense emotions. In this article, we […]

Meditation Causing Arousal in Your Mind and Body: What is Their Connection?

Meditation Causing Arousal

If you’re curious about these questions: Can practicing meditation actually cause arousal? And if so, what is the connection between these seemingly polar experiences? How does mindfulness meditation benefit our intimate life? Or, How to practice meditation in ways to enhance one’s sexual experiences?  Then, don’t worry because we’ve brought this article to help you […]

How To Use The Power Of Metronome for Meditation To Achieve Inner Peace?

Metronome for Meditation

Have you ever thought about mixing the calming tick-tock of a metronome with your meditation? It might seem unusual, but using a metronome for meditation can give you special benefits and let you connect with your inner beat. In this guide, we’ll talk about the good things that can happen when you add a metronome […]