Can Yoga Give You Abs

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Can Yoga give you abs and save you from turning into a gym rat?

Yoga has been touted as a panacea for numerous health benefits, including stress reduction, flexibility, and strength. One of the claims commonly associated with yoga is its ability to give you abs – the coveted six-pack abs. However, the question of “Can yoga give you abs?” is supported by evidence, or is it just a myth? In this article, we will explore the scientific evidence behind the efficacy of yoga in developing abs.  Join us as we explore how yoga can ignite your core and transform your approach to abdominal workouts.

First of all: what actually is abs?

The abdominal muscles, also known as “abs,” are a crucial group of muscles located in the front of the abdominal region that are responsible for maintaining posture, balance, and overall core strength. This group of muscles consists of the rectus abdominis, internal and external oblique, and the transverse abdominis muscle. The rectus abdominis is a vertical and long muscle that runs along the front of the abdomen, commonly referred to as the “six-pack” muscle. The external and internal obliques are diagonal muscles across the abdomen that aid in twisting movements, while the transverse abdominis is a deeper muscle that stabilises the core.

Why are abs important? 

Abs, or abdominal muscles, are important for several reasons. 

  1. They contribute to overall core strength and stability, which is crucial for maintaining good posture, preventing back pain, and performing daily activities with ease. 
  2. Abs also provides essential support for the spine, allowing us to bend, twist, and move in various ways. 
  3. Furthermore, having strong abs can improve athletic performance and balance. 
  4. Additionally, many people find well-developed abs aesthetically appealing, which can boost self-confidence and body image.

Can Yoga give you abs?

Yoga provides a low-impact fitness option suitable for all ages, while also offering benefits like muscle toning and increased flexibility. Additionally, regular yoga practice can aid in regulating appetite, promoting healthy digestion, and combating issues like bloating and constipation. Keeping your thyroid functioning properly is important for maintaining a healthy metabolism, making regular yoga practice a valuable tool for overall physical health. Practising yoga can also help support a positive mental attitude, instilling a feeling of motivation and vitality. By pairing these healthy habits with a low-fat diet and consistent yoga practice, you can achieve a leaner, healthier body. While yoga can help develop core strength, developing noticeable abs requires reducing overall body fat in conjunction with targeted exercise. A consistent yoga practice combined with a calorie-controlled diet will support your fitness goals and help you achieve the results you desire.

Fitness with Zen: How to Find your Zen in the World of Burning Calories 

According to a research study conducted by Harvard Medical School in 2021, practising Yoga not only helps in burning calories but also aids in increasing muscle mass and toning. Incorporating yoga into your fitness routine can be a great way to burn calories, increase strength and flexibility, and improve overall health and well-being. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced practitioner, there are many different yoga poses and sequences you can use to achieve your fitness goals. Practising yoga can also increase the heart rate. In addition to this, yoga poses require various muscle groups to work together, which can further increase the amount of calories burned. Practising yoga for 30-60 minutes can help in burning 150-400 calories depending on the intensity of the yoga practice. When practised regularly and combined with a healthy diet yoga really can be an effective way to burn calories. While the number of calories burned during a yoga session can vary depending on factors such as the type of yoga, the intensity of the practice, and the practitioner’s body weight, age, and level of fitness, some forms of yoga can provide a significant calorie-burning workout. One study found that a 60-minute session of yoga can burn between 180 and 460 calories, depending on the practice. Vinyasa flow and power yoga, which involve flowing movements and more intense poses, tend to burn more calories than gentle or restorative yoga. Hot yoga, which is typically practised in a room heated to around 105 degrees Fahrenheit, can also lead to significant calorie burn due to the added challenge of practising in a hot environment.

4 Reasons why yoga is good for getting abs

  1. Strengthens Core

Your core is a vital stabiliser for your torso, upper body, and lower body. Maintaining a strong core allows for greater freedom of movement, whereas a weak core will limit your mobility.

  1. Improves Posture

When practising yoga asanas, your attention should be on the posture. By improving your posture, it promotes the breath flowing effortlessly throughout your body. Furthermore, it helps activate your core and other muscles without straining too much energy. As a result, your body will be more symmetrical and feel much lighter.

  1. Relieves Back Pain

Doing yoga can help you make your core muscles stronger, and that can help you avoid getting a sore back. If your core muscles are weak, your backs are more prone to overextending, which can lead to pain. Doing yoga to build your core muscles on a regular basis can help with aches and pains, and also help prevent them from occurring in the first place.

  1. Improves  Balance

Practising yoga can help you develop strong abs but it also emphasises the need to improve your core strength to maintain a balance. While performing a balancing pose, you must stabilise your arms, legs, and torso to hold the pose effectively.

Ideal Diet Plan Tailored for You To Get Abs

  • It is advisable to limit consumption of refined and processed foods as much as possible. 
  • It is recommended to have six small meals throughout the day instead of three large ones, with each meal containing a portion of protein such as eggs, fish, lean meats or chicken. 
  • Snack on nuts, seeds, avocado, olives, or small bags of snap peas between meals. 
  • Have starchy carbs like oatmeal, rye, or sprouted bread along with a piece of fruit for breakfast and the second meal of the day. 
  • For lunch, include sweet or regular potato, brown rice or quinoa in your diet. 
  • For dinner, it is advisable to have some vegetables but avoid root vegetables and starchy carbs. 
  • Keep yourself hydrated by drinking plenty of water and allow yourself one cheat meal every 10 days to satisfy your cravings. 
  • It is also recommended to consume a post-workout shake containing 40-50g carbs and 20-30g protein to stabilise your hormonal system and help with muscle regeneration. 

Learn how to strengthen and tone your core with yoga exercises

  • Now that you have a workout routine and nutrition plan that matches your goals, and a type of yoga that speaks to you, it’s time to start building your core strength with every practice session. 
  • For whatever style of yoga you’re doing, focus your attention on engaging your core muscles for every movement. 
  • Act as if each move is a core exercise to keep the engagement up throughout your yoga session. 
  • Begin by engaging your core muscles in your warm-up exercises, retain the engagement in your Chaturangas and standing poses, and keep your abs active in backbends to protect your lower back. 
  • For an extra challenge when doing yoga from home, sprinkle in some of your favourite abdominal exercises in a flow sequence.

Top 30 yoga poses to get 6 pack abs

For chest and shoulders Supine spinal twist, Cat-cow stretch, warrior II, Sphinx pose, Cow face pose, Restorative heart opener, Cobra pose, Triangle pose, Extended side angle pose Bow pose, Camel pose, Locust pose, King dancer pose, Half moon pose, Bridge, upward-facing dog, Reverse warriorWild thing
For legsDownward facing dog, Extended side angle pose, Mountain pose, Standing straddle forward bend, Tree pose, Triangle pose, Warrior I, Warrior II, Pyramid pose, Raised hands pose, Standing forward bend,Awkward chair, Eagle pose, Half moon pose, Revolved Triangle, King dancer pose, Reverse Warrior,pose, Warrior IIIRevolved half moon pose, Wheel pose
For abdominal Hands and knees balance, Pelvic tilts,Cat-cow stretch,, Plank pose Headstand, scale pose, Side plank pose, Boat pose, crow pose, Half moon poseWarrior III, Firefly pose, Forearm stand, Handstand, Side crow pose 
For hamstrings Reclined big toe pose, Seated head to knee pose, Seated forward bend, Wide-legged forward fold, Pyramid pose, Triangle pose, Standing forward bend, Standing wide-legged Forward bend, Downward facing dogHalf moon pose, Full side plank,  Monkey pose, Sleeping Vishnu, Standing big toe pose, Revolved triangle, Heron pose, Bird of paradiseStanding splits, Side lunge, Revolved ardha chandrasana
For hips Garland pose, Happy baby pose, Reclined goddess pose, Seated wide-legged straddle, Standing straddle forward bend, Warrior II, Child’s pose, cobbler’s pose, Eye of the needle poseCow face pose, Eagle pose, Knee to ankle pose, Pigeon pose, Goddess pose, Half moon poseOne-legged king pigeon pose, Side lunge, Lotus pose, Lizard pose 
For back Knees-chest-chin, Cat-cow stretch, Supported bridge, Cobra pose,Camel pose, Locust pose, King dancer pose, Bridge, upward-facing dog, Reverse warrior, Now pose Mermaid pose, One legged king pigeon pose, Scorpion pose, Wild thing, Wheel, Little thunderbolt pose
For armsSupported side plank, Downward facing dog, Plank pose, Crow pose, four-limbed staff pose, Upward facing dog, Side plank pose,Firefly pose, Handstand, Flying crow pose, Side crow pose, Wheel pose

6 Tips to get abs faster through yoga

When doing yoga to get abs, consider the following factors:

1. Proper form: 

Ensuring correct alignment and posture during each pose is crucial for effectively targeting the abdominal muscles and avoiding injury.

2. Consistency: 

Regular practice and commitment to a consistent yoga routine will yield better results in developing strong and defined abs.

3. Intensity: 

Choose yoga poses and sequences that challenge the core and engage the abdominal muscles throughout the practice.

4. Diet:

A well-balanced and nutritious diet, coupled with yoga practice, will contribute to better abdominal muscle definition.

5. Perseverance: 

Crafting a six-pack isn’t a quick job, so stay determined and enjoy the little successes as they come.

6. Recovery: 

Make sure you’re giving your body enough time to heal and develop by including rest days in your fitness schedule.


Can doing Yoga give you abs? 

Yes, doing Yoga can give you abs. Yoga involves various poses and exercises that engage the core muscles, including the abdominals. As you strengthen and tone these muscles through consistent Yoga practice, you can achieve more defined abs over time. Additionally, Yoga helps in improving posture and body alignment, further enhancing the appearance of your abdominal muscles.

Can bouncing on a Yoga ball give you abs?

Bouncing on a yoga ball can engage your core and stabiliser muscles, which can help in developing and strengthening your abs. However, solely bouncing on a yoga ball might not be enough to give you a defined set of abs. Incorporating other targeted exercises and maintaining a healthy diet are also crucial factors in achieving well-toned abdominal muscles.

Can you get perfect abs just by following a proper diet?

No, you cannot get perfect abs just by following a proper diet. While a healthy diet plays an essential role in reducing body fat and revealing your abdominal muscles, it is important to incorporate regular exercise, specifically targeted core workouts, to achieve well-defined abs. A combination of cardiovascular exercises, resistance training, and a proper diet is essential for achieving perfect abs.

Which is the best way to pose to get abs faster and easier?

The plank pose is one of the easiest and most effective ways to get a stronger core and get the toned abs you want. This pose works your entire core, including your abs. It’s a perfect way to target your abs and build core strength and stability. With regular practice, you’ll be able to get the definition you’re looking for in no time!

Does yoga help in sculpting and toning the whole body?

Yes, yoga helps in sculpting and toning the whole body. It involves a combination of stretching, strength training, and balance exercises, which target various muscle groups, leading to an overall toned and sculpted physique.

Can you get fit just doing yoga?

Yoga is not only beneficial for achieving a leaner physique, but it also helps in fat loss, toning muscles, and improving flexibility. There are various types of yoga, ranging from gentle to more vigorous forms such as Ashtanga, Vinyasa, and Power yoga, each with its own benefits. Practising regularly will result in visible changes in your physical well-being. However, it is important to note that achieving results through yoga takes longer compared to weight-lifting. As a beginner, you can expect to witness noticeable changes within four weeks of doing strenuous-based yoga. Additionally, yoga is more than just physical strength. It is recommended to include yoga in your fitness regimen rather than replacing everything else.


In conclusion, the practice of yoga can indeed contribute to the development of defined abdominal muscles, or “abs.” However, it is essential to remember that attaining visible abs also requires that suitable attention be paid to one’s diet and overall body fat percentage. With the right combination of a regular yoga practice, balanced nutrition, and a healthy lifestyle, achieving well-defined abs is definitely within reach.