Have you been seeing an eye during meditation? If so, you probably have questions about what this could mean and how you can use meditation to activate your third eye.
For some people, it may take a while or several years of meditation to see an eye during a meditation session. This can be a transformative experience and bring about powerful feelings.
If you’ve experienced something similar, read this article to gain a deeper understanding of the significance of these visions, what the visions might mean, and how to cultivate that connection further.
Seeing eye during Meditation – What does it mean?
The meaning of seeing an eye during meditation typically signifies the awakening of your subconscious mind. Many individuals believe that seeing eyes while meditating indicates that you have tapped into your third eye. This metaphorical “eye” represents your inner knowledge and wisdom, which can be accessed through symbols and dreams. The third eye is associated with your psychic and inner sight and is said to be located on your forehead.
Seeing eyes when you close your eyes is not that uncommon, so it’s understandable why people are curious about it. (The mind’s eye is the ‘movie screen’ that appears in your mind when you close your eyes, where you can visualize things).
If you’re seeing an eye during meditation, here are 3 possible explanations:
Your clairvoyance is awakening or you have a clairvoyant gift
Clairvoyance is the capability to ‘see’ energy in its many forms, including the energy of spirits and the auras of the living. Certain clairvoyants can visualize images and metaphors that resonate with a particular situation. If you regularly find yourself seeing an eyeball while meditating, it might be a sign that you have clairvoyant powers.
On the other hand, you may be in the process of opening up your third eye and clairvoyance if you see an eyeball during psychic development activities. innate power and stride confidently on your journey towards psychic.
Connecting with your Higher self/soul
When you’re meditating and see an eyeball looking back at you, it may be your own soul or Higher Self trying to reach out to you. After all, the eyes are often said to be the window to one’s soul. If you’re doing any kind of conscious work, the eye may be a sign of you living in alignment with your soul’s desires or priorities. In other words, it’s a reflection of your inner work.
You may have earthbound spirits that are connected to you
If you have seen multiple eyes staring at you and you feel uneasy, it could be a sign that there are earthbound spirits in your auric field. But if you want to learn more about how to clear such spirits, check out these resources:
- Experiences with Ghosts
- The Empath’s Toolkit (includes a technique for removing earthbound spirits)
A Guide To The Third Eye Chakra
The third eye refers to the pathway that leads us to higher consciousness and the inner realms of spirituality.
Seeing third eye during meditation is often associated with enlightenment and can be linked to religious visions, clairvoyance, the ability to observe auras and powerful chakras, precognition, and out-of-body experiences.
Where is the Third Eye Chakra located?
The Third Eye Chakra is located in the head, between the eyebrows. It covers the eyes, head, and lower part of the brain, and is also home to the cavernous plexus of nerves for the face, ears, eyes, and sinuses, as well as the pineal gland.
The pineal gland is a small, pinecone-shaped organ situated deep in the center of the brain. It produces and regulates the sleep-wake hormone known as melatonin. This is why the Sixth Chakra is often associated with the element of light and the color indigo. It is also represented by a lotus with two petals.
What Are Its Key Characteristics?
The Sanskrit name for this chakra, Ajna signifies “to perceive” and “to command.” While linked to our physical sight, it also stands for our sixth sense/intuition.
In Eastern philosophies, it is referred to as our ‘third eye’ or spiritual center. This eye looks beyond the physical world and employs memory and the psychic faculties of recognition. It connects with our rational mind in order to strengthen our intuitive insight to get past the deception labeled as “Maya.” The third eye is the source of our creative thinking, ideas, recollections, and awareness.
Anodea Judith has discussed in her book Eastern Body, Western Mind that the development of Ajna takes place in adolescence. This phase is the struggle between individual identity and confusion with roles. During this time, adolescents attempt to form a significant identity, particularly in regard to their peers and cultural impacts.
Judith further explains that during this stage, teenagers reconsider the identity developed in the fourth chakra. When successful, they manifest tranquility, self-consciousness, and foresight. Not controlled or confined by the mind, they learn to differentiate truth from illusion. Consequently, intuition allows them to make wise choices based on facts instead of fantasy. Additionally, they gain more enlightenment and understanding of themselves, of others, and of life in general.
How are brain waves linked to our third eye?
The third eye, from a spiritual point of view, is the Agya chakra or third eye chakra. Our energy centers where nerve points meet consist of seven parts and the Agya chakra is situated in the center of our eyebrows (pineal gland). This point is related to perceiving beyond the five senses, also referred to as intuition.
The Agya chakra is linked to the pituitary and hypothalamus glands in the body. Our brain produces different waves when exposed to different situations:
- Beta waves are emitted when distress, pain, strain, or suffering are present.
- Alpha waves are emitted when we have a relaxing, tranquil state and feel delighted. Alpha waves have smoother vibrations and act similarly to sonar.
For example :
Dolphins possess a high level of alpha wave function in their brains that helps them to navigate in the ocean. This sonar works the same way as a submarine. On a physical level, the delicateness of the pituitary and hypothalamus glands allows the alpha waves to disperse.
Children’s pituitary and hypothalamus glands are much more sensitive than those of adults, which allows them to be more intuitive and perceptive. As we age, however, these glands become less elastic, and deposits of calcium around them decrease the amount and intensity of alpha wave emissions.
- Gamma waves are the most powerful and can only be accessed in a deep meditative state, otherwise known as samadhi.
Our brain emits alpha waves when the body is in harmony with nature. Through our thoughts and actions, we become attuned to nature, allowing us to experience insight. This is often referred to as intuition.
Gamma waves can only be experienced when alpha waves are constantly emitted. The Gamma-ray emissions activate the Agya chakra, and when the third eye activates we feel a mental lightness. All of this can only be achieved through steady meditation.
The Signs of Third Eye Chakra Activation vs. Blocked Ajna Chakra
When the third eye chakra is open, it can help individuals to experience clairvoyance, telepathy, lucidity in dreaming, and enhanced imagination and visualization. When the third eye chakra is blocked or imbalanced though, it can lead to many mental health issues, including closed-mindedness, anxiety, paranoia, depression, cynicism, and more.
These are some of the common experiences you may encounter:
Signs of Third Eye Opening | Signs of an Imbalanced Ajna Chakra |
Increased attention span, focus, and attention to detail. | Being indecisive and overly emotional or logical |
Heightened senses, with sharper sight, hearing, and taste. | Experiencing chronic vision or sinus issues. |
A sense of genuinely experiencing the events within vivid or lucid dreams. | Getting lost in thoughts or daydreaming often. |
A feeling of initial irritability and anger is replaced with a sense of calmness and peace. | Being excessively opinionated or arrogant. |
Experiencing strong feelings of deja vu or similarly impactful sensations. | Suffering from headaches or migraines often. |
A feeling of real devotion towards an art form, a subject, a practice, or usually towards divinity. | Having difficulty trusting or connecting with others. |
Feeling an increase in creativity and optimism about your future prospects. | Lack of creative and inspirational feelings. |
Practices to Balance Ajna Chakra
Meditation is a great way to balance Ajna. New meditators often report having a tingling feeling in the third eye or a headache-like sensation. If you feel a pulsating or tingling around the third eye area during or after meditation, it’s a sign that you’re opening this blocked chakra.
Additionally, there are other practices you can use to bring healing and balance to Ajna:
Bathe in Daylight
From a physical perspective, sunlight helps to activate the pineal gland, boosting the performance of the third eye.
As you spend some time in the sun, you may observe an increased clarity of thought. If sunlight is not available in your area due to a colder or darker climate, light therapy is a great alternative.
Additionally, pay attention to your environment to stay connected with reality – this can also help clear any blockages in the third eye.
Open Up Your Mind
One of the most frequent issues linked to a blocked third eye chakra is having a restricted or inflexible attitude. To fix this, try to gain new perspectives in life. This can be done by reading books, doing something new, or even experimenting with different cuisines.
Buzz Like A Bee
To relax and activate your sixth chakra, try the Brahmari breathing technique, also known as “the bee breath.”
- Place the two middle fingers over your eyes and the index fingers on the eyebrow line.
- Close your ears with your thumbs and put the ring and pinky fingers under the cheekbones.
- Inhale deeply and exhale the word AUM with an emphasis on the “M” sound, making a buzzing sound like a bee.
- Do this for two minutes or more for the best effects.
Yoga for the Third Eye
Enhance your third eye by performing poses that stimulate the eyebrow center. Recommended poses include:
- Standing Forward Bends
- Child’s Pose
- Downward Facing Dog
- Head-to-Knee Pose
- Dolphin Pose
Placing the eyebrow center on a block or the ground increases the effectiveness of these poses on the brow center. Another great option is Yoga eye movements. Simple yet effective, these eye exercises strengthen the muscles around the eyes and the third eye.
Nourishing Foods For Enhanced Vision
Nourish your brow chakra by adding more purple-colored foods to your diet. Fruits like prunes, blackberries, dates, raisins, and figs are all beneficial.
Additionally, you can also include purple-colored veggies such as purple cabbage, purple carrots, purple kale, and purple potatoes.
Elevate Your Meditation Practices
If you want to maximize the effects of your third-eye meditation, add a few drops of essential oil to your forehead or the palm of your hand before inhaling.
- Rosemary is great for opening a dormant third eye, while German chamomile helps to focus and balance it.
- Frankincense and sandalwood are excellent for maintaining a balanced and clear third-eye chakra.
- You can also diffuse these aromas to create a soothing and tranquil atmosphere for meditation.
Listen to Your Intuition
Encourage yourself with positive and inspiring affirmations such as these –
- “I have faith in my inner wisdom”
- “My mind and heart are in complete harmony”
- “I perceive life with clarity”
- “I open myself to my inner truth”.
How To Practice The Third Eye Chakra Meditation?
This third eye meditation is a great way to sharpen the mind, improve concentration, and boost mental clarity.
- To begin, find a comfortable seat on the floor or in a chair, making sure to sit up tall with your spine straight and shoulders relaxed.
- Place the hands on the knees with the palms facing up, lightly touching the index finger to the thumb.
- Then, relax the facial muscles, jaw, and belly, while letting the tongue rest behind the front teeth.
- Gently close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, slowly inhaling and exhaling through the nose.
- With the eyes still closed, gaze upward and concentrate on the third eye, which is found between the eyebrows.
- Focus intently on this spot and look for a white or indigo-blue light to appear.
- Whenever thoughts arise, acknowledge them and then bring the focus back to the third eye.
- Keep practicing this meditation for 10-20 minutes.
- To end, bring your palms together in front of your heart while inhaling deeply. Then, exhale while bowing and say these words “May I be blessed with clarity of sight and thought, and the courage to seek only the truth”.
- When ready, slowly let your eyes open and take a moment to relax before continuing with your day.
How To Practice The Spiritual Eye Awakening Meditation Technique?
To practice the spiritual eye meditation technique:
- Start by focusing your attention on the point between your eyebrows.
- Visualize a tunnel of golden light and mentally enter it, feeling a glorious sense of joy and freedom as you move through it.
- Feel the light washing away all your worldly thoughts.
- As you continue along the tunnel, visualize a curtain of deep, violet-blue light before you.
- Pass through it, and enter another tunnel of violet-blue light.
- Relax and let the walls of the tunnel dissolve in the light until you feel a sense of infinity surrounding you.
- At last, imagine a silvery-white, 5-pointed star of light before you.
- Let go of all your thoughts and feelings as you surrender to its absolute, ever-existing bliss.
- Mentally affirm at the end of this meditation: “I arise in Your Light, I arise in Your Light, I am joyful, I am liberated, I arise in Your Light!”
What kind of experiences/visions do people have when the third eye is open? Is it real or imaginary?
The third eye is an actual phenomenon that eventually appears to those who meditate sincerely.
During meditation, you may observe either a bright or dim light or even a pattern of moving lights behind your closed eyes. With a calm mind and steady breath, these lights will form the beautiful spiritual eye – a breathtaking sight; a halo of golden light, surrounded by a blue-violet tunnel in the middle of which is a tiny, silver-white, 5-pointed star.
Remember that we all have our own unique spiritual paths and that we are at different stages of our spiritual journey. So, our experiences might differ from each other.
How do I know if I’m focusing my attention in the right place?
We suggest practicing the Hong-Sau technique of concentration. This will help guide your mind to the spiritual eye. Begin by focusing on your breath. Then allow your mind to wander to the spiritual eye until you can sense it.
The more deeply you’re able to concentrate on your breath and internalize your awareness, the easier it will be to sense the spiritual eye.
During meditation, I feel some sensations around the spiritual eye. Is this a normal occurrence?
Yes, experiencing sensations around the spiritual eye during meditation is normal. Many individuals report feeling various sensations (such as warmth, tingling, or pressure) in this area, known as the “Third eye” or the “Ajna Chakra.”
This is a good sign that you are focusing attentively and making progress.
What does it mean when you see images during meditation?
Many experienced meditators have reported seeing spontaneous visual images during deep meditation, such as lights or other visual images. These occurrences are usually interpreted as “encounters with light” and are given a profound spiritual or mystical interpretation.
Are there any risks associated with awakening the third eye?
No, activating the third eye is not risky. Opening your third eye chakra can boost your concentration and focus and unlock your intuitive abilities.
Paramhansa Yogananda encouraged his followers to focus their attention on the spiritual eye as much as possible, even during times when they weren’t actively meditating.
What Types of Meditation Can Lead to Visions?
Mindfulness-style meditations, such as Vipassana or Antar Mauna, can often result in visions. Mental images may also come when practicing meditative singing (kirtan) and even while performing Yoga postures. Nadi Shodhana Pranayama and Ujjayi Pranayama breathing exercises may produce particularly vivid visions.
The more you practice, the more likely visions may appear. They tend to be more vivid when you do intense Yoga and meditation, such as during a retreat. This is because you are then more connected to your subconscious mind.
What are the risks of focusing on the crown chakra while meditating?
Paramhansa Yogananda cautioned against focusing on the crown chakra, as it can lead to an imbalance in the electrical current in the brain and can make one neurotic. Instead, the energy should be directed to the spiritual eye first and then up to the crown chakra, when we are ready for it.
This is particularly relevant when someone meditates for long periods at the crown chakra, or with great intensity. We have had to heal many people with severe kundalini (energy) imbalances, which usually started after they performed an extended meditation at the crown chakra.
Hope, this article was helpful. Seeing an eye may be a sign that something deeper is being revealed. It could be a hint at your heightened intuition and insight. They could symbolize that you are seeing the truth, including what lies in the souls of others, or that you are entering a new stage of self-awareness. These are just some of the interpretations of what this imagery could mean.
Every individual has their own way of communicating with the divine, and this may be one of those special symbols. So take some time to reflect on what the eye symbolizes.