A comprehensive guide on the difference between Asana and Pranayama

Difference Between Asana and Pranayama

Have you ever been curious about the secrets behind traditional Indian yogic practices? If so, then you’ve come to the right place! In this blog post, we’ll reveal the key differences between asana and pranayama, two essential components of yoga practice. By the end of this journey, you’ll have a deeper understanding of difference the […]

A Comprehensive Guide On The Difference Between Yoga and Asana

Difference Between Yoga and Asana

Are you confused about whether yoga and asana are the same? Well, you’re not alone. Many people often interchangeably use these terms without knowing the difference between yoga and asana. In this blog post, we’ll explore the dissimilarities between yoga and asana, giving you clarity on their unique roles in achieving holistic health. So sit […]

Flying Pigeon Pose – The Best Stretch for your Hips and Lower Back

Flying Pigeon Pose

Have you ever witnessed inversion poses in yoga classes or ads for fitness? I always found it amusing and very interesting to try by myself. However, it is not simple! You need to break many physical and mental barriers to achieve that. The flying pigeon pose is yet another counterbalance pose that works against gravity, […]

8 Poses and sequences in yoga for tight shoulders and upper back

Yoga For Tight Shoulders

Do you have a nagging twitch in your shoulder? Do you have problems moving your arms? A tense shoulder might be to blame, and yoga can help bring relief. Stiff shoulders can cause more than simply pain. These could restrict the range of motion, cause tension headaches, and even cause injury if untreated. Shoulder strain is […]

How long to get good at Yoga Practice Like a Pro?

How Long to Get Good at Yoga

When you look at the skilled Yogis and Yoginis doing challenging poses swiftly without letting out a sigh, do you find yourself asking this question: “How long to get good at Yoga like them? Truth be told, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer.  However, in this article, we’ll discuss the time commitment, the factors influencing one’s progress […]

Heart Opening Yoga Poses – Benefits and 18 Asanas

Heart Opening Yoga Poses

Among all the benefits that Yoga promises, have you heard about its ability to bring love into your life? The potential to open your heart when you feel vulnerable?  Well, that is not an exaggeration.  This study has found that Yoga can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression and improve the quality of life.  Heart opening […]

How does Yoga make you poop to help you build a routine?

You have probably heard that Yoga can surely help digestion, but on a serious note does yoga make you poop? You may have seen it in movies or heard it in stories, but how true is it? Well, the answer may surprise you. While it’s not literally true that Yoga will make you go to […]

Everything About Surya Namaskar Asanas: Names, Procedure, Benefits and Mantras

Surya Namaskar Asanas

In Sanskrit, a particular set of twelve yoga poses is referred to as the Sun Salutation and is known by the name of Surya Namaskar Asanas. One of the most well-known yoga techniques, it is a part of many different yoga systems, including Hatha, Vinyasa, and Ashtanga. The phrase is derived from two Sanskrit roots: […]

Acro Yoga – A simple guide to three person Yoga poses

Three Person Yoga Poses

Namaste! Come fall in love with yoga all over again. Ready to take your yoga practice a notch up? Then Acroyoga is the way to go!We all know that one of the best aspects of yoga is spending quality time with yourself, finding your inner peace through a life-changing form of exercise. It’s a thrilling […]

How to get Crotch Smell out of Leggings – Smell fresh and clean

How to Get Crotch Smell Out of Leggings

Modern yoga is an excellent form of fitness and an incredible way to increase flexibility and maintain one’s health. Practicing yoga requires several basic items – a yoga mat for that soft firmness, a bottle of water, a comfortable room with the right ambience and temperature, and most importantly – easy-to-stretch clothes. Since yoga can […]