What are Yoga Twists and the 11 Interesting Benefits of Twists in Yoga?

Benefits of Twists in Yoga

Yogis enjoy twisting! There are an infinite amount of twists whether lying, seated, standing, or even upside down. Any position in which the shoulder girdle is twisted to face in the opposite direction as the hips are referred to as a “twist”. They have a special position in yoga for a variety of reasons. Twists […]

Top 15 Benefits of Eagle Pose or Garudasana

Benefits of Eagle Pose

Have you ever practiced Garudasana? This pose can help with both severe physical and emotional ailments. This pose is not only a very energetic workout but also has a significant positive impact on our health. The yoga position is renowned for its endurance, flexibility, and strength. As you go through the following sections, you will […]

10 of The Most Difficult Yoga Poses on Earth

Most Difficult Yoga Poses

For some, yoga can look like an insane challenge even when it comes to the simplest poses. But for those that are well versed in the language of yoga, you may be looking to step up your game and try out something new and more challenging.  We will look at the most challenging yoga poses […]

The Benefits of Camel Pose

The benefits of Ustrasana (Camel Pose)

If you are reading this, you are probably trying to decide if the camel pose is right. You are most likely a beginner and just trying to see if this move is helpful.  If you are new to yoga, you may have encountered the Ustrasana position, commonly known as the camel pose. The English name […]

Amazing Yoga Poses That Work Wonders On Your Core Strength And Abs

Yoga For Core Strength

Are you looking forward to strengthening and toning up your core? Yay, then you are at the right place. Don’t worry if you are not able to hit the gym regularly. Yoga can be your best friend and help you achieve your desired goal from the comfort of your home. We have compiled a list […]

Too Many Choices, So Tell Me What Size Yoga Mat Should I Get?

Your mat, your faithful yoga mat knows how to welcome you with all the warmth every single time. You may have skipped your yoga practice for something else, but you know who’s always there to listen to your calm and lift you up? – your support system, your yoga mat. Must we say more about […]

Ashtanga Yoga – The Eight Limbs of Yoga

Ashtanga Yoga – The Eight Limbs of Yoga

Medical parts were written by Dr. Mishra Yoga is a living philosophy that has its roots in India’s ancient teachings, which date back over 4,000 years. It’s a system that includes various aspects and practices, not only the postures (asanas) that have come to define most of today’s Yoga in the west.  Many other aspects […]

Viparita Karani – The Wonderful Inverted Yoga Pose With Scientific Benefits

Medically parts are written by Dr. Rai Viparita Karani is classified as a form of Kaya yoga mudra. Kaya mudras means Asanas, pranayama, and concentration are all combined. Kaya mudra combines the entire body with breathing and concentration practice to create asana, unlike ordinary yoga hand mudras.  Viparita means “reverse” in Sanskrit, while Karani denotes […]

Cobra Pose or Bhujangasana – The Complete Guide You Will Love

Medical parts were written by Dr. Mishra Be careful when you perform the Bhujangasana, better known as the cobra pose. You might notice your body becoming serpent-like, suddenly your hair will turn into multiple snakes, and your gaze will turn everyone into stone… Okay, let’s stop being overdramatic. Of course, performing the cobra pose won’t […]